Getting to know…me.

I have extensive experience in the treatment of Depression, Anxiety,Panic disorders, and Relationship Issues. My approach to a person’s problems involves the entire person. I have been trained extensively in the Neurobiological approach to treatment, which is often referred to as the Mind-Body connection. Having problematic physical symptoms as a result of being depressed and/or anxious is becoming more common and is very stressful. Our immune system, our ability to ward off disease can be greatly affected by our emotions. Depression, Anxiety/Panic, as well as the Stress caused by physical symptoms are very debilitating.

Learning how to successfully cope with our emotions/stress/or physical symptoms is an integral aspect of the treatment of Depression, Anxiety and other disorders. All of which can can dramatically improve a person’s overall wellbeing. I also have a speciality in couples/marital therapy. I am particularly intriqued by the gender differences in relationships.

I have completed a 5 year study on gender differences and how the different types of intimacy (physical, verbal, and emotional)are related to couple’s satisfaction. I have developed a unique approach to couples issues. This approach also lends success in the area of treating infidelity when the couple wants to repair the broken bond.

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